Standard products are mostly available from stock. When you have ordered a standard product, our employees will contact you about whether the product is in stock in the ordered size and color. If your products are in stock, they can be shipped to you immediately after your order is processed. If your products are not in stock (which only occurs very rarely), the production time will be the same as for custom-made products. We will always contact you when the waiting time is longer than expected.

When the products are ready (out of production, or simply from stock), they will be shipped out to you. We use various carriers for our shipments, to ensure the quickest en most effective shipment for our customers. Shipments are usually shipped out by UPS. Several shipping methods (like a standard or an express shipment) are available at our checkout. The delivery time varies per country and shipping method, but 90% of all of our packages are delivered in around one week. Please keep in mind that we are dependent on the postal service and carrier, so waiting times may differ a little. Should you have any further questions about our delivery, please feel free to contact us.

Delivery time for saddles and other products that aren’t in stock:


PayPal is a safe, quick, and easy way to complete your payment. When using PayPal as your payment method, all you have to do is log in to your PayPal account and select the bank account that you want to use for the payment. Orders that are paid through PayPal are insured and the amount due will be deducted from your account within two working days. When you use this payment method, no extra costs will be added to your total amount due.

Credit card (Mastercard / Visa card)

When you pay with a Mastercard or a Visa card, all your orders will be insured. The amount due will not be deducted from your account until the end of the month. When you use this payment method, no extra costs will be added to your total amount due

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